São Paulo No Logo
For the past eight months, Tony de Marco has been documenting the systematic removal of all advertising in the city of São Paulo.
過去八個月以來,Tony de Marco紀錄了聖保羅市區內所有戶外廣告的拆除行動。
Since 1st January 2007 São Paulo has been living under the new ‘clean city’ law, this bans all advertising: no billboards, no fliers, no neon signs, no electronic panels – a blank city. After many years of battling with advertisers to reduce the visual pollution, the City Council decided in September 2006, with a vote of 45 to 1 in favour, to ban all forms of advertising in the city. As Larry Rohter from the International Herald Tribune puts it: ‘[the city has] press[ed] the “delete all” button and offers its residents unimpeded views of their surroundings’.
自2007年1月1日起,聖保羅實施【乾淨城市法(clean city)】,針對所有形式的廣告,包括:看板、傳單、霓虹燈、電子看板。為了降低視覺污染,經過與廣告商多年的對抗,市議會決定在2006年9月,以45:1的壓倒性數量通過該法案。正如International Herald Tribune記者Larry Rohter所言,聖保羅市按下了「刪除全部」鍵,並且提供市民視野良好的生活環境。
The ban enraged advertisers, who cited a loss of jobs, a lack of freedom of speech and a reduction in revenue for the city, as reasons for the ban to be rejected. So far, the local residents and visitors to the city have welcomed the new law.
Excitingly, a new city seems to be emerging from behind the advertising. The siting of billboards generally went unregulated, and many poor people readily accepted cash to have a poster site in their gardens or even in front of their homes. “Last week, on my way to work, I ‘discovered’ a house,” says Gustavo Piqueira, who runs the studio Rex Design in São Paulo. “It had been covered by a big billboard for years so I never even knew what it looked like.”
令人振奮的是,一個新的城市似乎從廣告背後浮現。以往看板的位置是沒有被規範的,很多窮人會接受在他家院子裡,甚至他家門前放廣告以換取現金。「上個禮拜,在我去工作的路上,我『發現』了一棟房子」在聖保羅經營Rex設計工作室的Gustavo Piqueira說。「那棟房子被一個大型看板遮住好幾年,所以我從來沒機會知道它長什麼樣子。」
São Paulo may today look bleak, and somewhat eerie, as the advertising is removed leaving only the structures on which they were placed. But this is only the beginning of its transformation, as Roberto Tripoli, president of the City Council was quoted in saying, “what we are aiming for is a complete change of culture.” An interesting experiment to keep an eye on.
Further information at: International Herald Tribune
聖保羅今日看來或許單調,甚至有點怪怪的,因為廣告被移除之後徒留原先的看板框架。但這只是轉變的開始,市議會議長Roberto Tripoli表示,「我們追求的是文化的徹底改變」。這是個值得關注的有趣試驗。詳情請見International Herald Tribune。